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The academies located at Stoke Park and Bois d'Arlon offer a curated selection of sessions meticulously crafted by the renowned biomechanics engineer Jean-Jacques Rivet. Rivet serves as the Director of the Sport Performance Department at the European Tour Performance Institute and is a biomechanics research associate at Aix Marseille University.


Utilising state-of-the-art equipment, the Biomecasport concept enables us to assess your muscle potential accurately, allowing us to capitalise on your strengths and address your weaknesses effectively.


This unique concept ensures that you maximize the efficiency of your daily movements and sports activities. We offer tailored programs based on the Biomecaswing method, customized to meet your individual needs and goals.

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Experience renewed freedom of movement and holistic well-being through our Flexibility & Energy Balance program.


This unique program, featuring exclusive methods developed by JJ Rivet, utilises cutting-edge tools such as the Hypervolt by HyperIce and the Huber (co-developed by JJ Rivet) to release muscular tensions and optimise your body's energetic and structural balance.


Duration: 40 minutes per session

Package of 10 sessions

Harness the power of the Biomecaswing method to assess your body's mobility capacity and enhance your overall well-being. Whether you're already in top shape or experiencing challenges due to physical exertion or improper movements, our Spa Performance Analysis program is tailored to your needs.


During this 90-minute session, you'll undergo a comprehensive body analysis, balance test, and personalised diagnosis. At the session's conclusion, you'll receive personalised recommendations to help you improve specific movements at home.


Timing: 90 minutes


Our Postural Re-harmonization program is designed to help you restore muscular and morphological balance through a comprehensive assessment of your global posture, tonicity, and muscle coordination.


The process begins with a Physiological Scan to create your morphological profile and evaluate your performance during specific exercises. Once the assessment is complete, our team will provide an overview of your strengths and weaknesses, along with personalised recommendations to enhance your balance.


Drawing inspiration from high-level athlete training methods, this program may incorporate exercises utilising the "Huber Motion Lab" or tailored physical preparation.


Duration: 60 minutes


  • 30 minutes: Morphological analysis, elasticity, tonicity, and muscle coordination assessment

  • 30 minutes: Corrective exercises targeting weak areas and improving overall body balance


Experience optimal physical preparation with the Miha Bodytech Electromyostimulation System (EMS).


As a leader in the field, we offer access to this cutting-edge technology alongside our expertise to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you aim to increase strength and muscle mass or reduce fat, the device is customizable to meet your specific needs.


Duration: 40 minutes per session

Package of 10 sessions

Note: A postural re-harmonization program is required before starting the EMS Training.

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