Jean-Jacques Rivet strategically selected Stoke Park and Bois d'Arlon as the headquarters for his Biomecaswing academies due to their renowned golfing facilities and unwavering commitment to excellence. Additionally, he Co-Founded the Performance and Biomechanics department at the EuropeanTour Performance Institute (ETPI).
At both locations, Rivet's teams, equipped with a deep understanding of Biomecaswing theories and methodologies, utilise state-of-the-art technology throughout the process. Stoke Park's Biomecaswing Academy also serves as an Under Armour Innovation Centre and Sidas Expert Fitting Centre. Both venues offer Callaway custom fitting utilising FITme® technology, complemented by Biomecaforce plates and their unique AI system.

* The Biomecaswing team puts its knowledge and tools at the service of the development of "biomechanically optimized" products as part of its partnership with the Under Armour brand